On Blindness

I believe in a God of love. I believe in the Catholic Church. But I also believe that Jesus is bigger than any box we try to put Him in. I believe when He makes His Second Coming, He will challenge the beliefs of the devout most of all, who have such a particular idea of who He is. This article has been a struggle to write. I’ve been reflecting a great deal on what I have been blind to, what I can learn from others’ blindness, and whether certainty of anything is truly achievable this side of Heaven. But mostly, I’ve come to the conclusion that there can be no conclusions. I guess that’s where faith comes into play, though I’ve always resented when people would make such an assertion. “If you know for sure, then it’s not faith,” they would say. “So? Maybe it’s not faith,” I would respond, “Mary, for example, would have to know the truth about Christianity one way or another.” While this is true, one of the paradoxes of Mary’s unique role in salvation history is that even in...